Maggie Safer
English III
May 13, 2021
Final Reflection
The problems I have tuned in on the school system are its effects on students’ mental health. The main problems that I focused on were homework, accumulating tests, and how school and the pandemic affected students. My research came from gale academics, this included statistics about how mental health issues have increased in younger generations. This is because students see themselves as their grades. Students have been very stressed about homework and it takes up too much time in the students life, so that they can’t go to their extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities help students because it is an outlet for them. Students that participate in an activity outside of school have a higher mental health. The solution to this is limited homework. Tests can add up quickly for students and their stress levels increase with multiple tests in a short amount of time. To help prevent this, we can set up a calendar for teachers to put all of their tests and other assessments on. The last main problem that came to light in the pandemic was late policies. With mental health issues increasing, students have a lack of motivation to do this work which leads to late work. Teachers have many different policies for late work which can become stressful for students to keep up with. The solution is to have a school wide late work policy.
In my project it was difficult for me to decide which parts of the school system I wanted to focus on. I know there are many issues with it but I think that focusing on the mental health issues would be important especially when I have seen it in peers. I started to research, which was more difficult than I thought it was going to be. I decided the three main problems were homework, tests, and late work. I then found research supporting why these were issues. I started to brainstorm about how we could fix this. It wasn’t an easy fix since we have a schedule and layout that functions but that does not mean that it functions well. Once I found my solutions I started to lay it out in a powerpoint. I went to see some of my teachers to get their advice on my solutions so I could perfect my project. Lastly, I created my Teacher Policy sheet. It listed the adjustments that should be made with the teachers so the students can have a better mental health.
First blog: I brained stormed my topic and started to get some statistics on student stress levels.
Second blog: I found a study about the increase in mental health issues in younger generations in recent decades. This was one thing that mainly supported my topic.
Third blog: My first solution started to come together in this blog regarding homework.
Fourth blog: First day working on my presentation.
Fifth blog: Fixed some problems with my research and finalized it.
I think that my presenting skills were one of the better parts of my project. I tried my best to connect with my audience, that is why I related it to situations I know that some of them related to. My statistics pulled the presentation together nicely and gave me a better argument. However, there were a couple holes in my presentation, I still would need to figure out the limits on tests with the teacher calendar. This is because the calendar includes tests, quizzes, projects, and papers. This would be a decision that teachers or a board would have to make. I have learned that many of my peers have been feeling the same way about school that I have lately. I have also realized that there are many factors when trying to make changes to the school. It is difficult to fit everyone’s needs and it’s nearly impossible to make everyone happy. I have also learned that I have good presentation skills, I just can’t make myself too worried.
In the beginning of the year I mainly skimmed books when I read them, I did not pick them apart and analyze them. I got more out of reading my final book of the year because I relearned how I effectively read. This completely changed my perspective on reading.
In our English class we had time to work on projects or read in class. This allowed us to have more time to do out of school activities or work on another class work once we finish our English work. We have pushed projects back before because of other classes and having too many tests in one week. This means that we were able to do better work in both classes. These are examples of the positive effects of the Teacher Policy sheet.