Reader Response Analysis

For the Coroner’s Lunch, I think the meaning behind it is that there are many corrupt things in the world and that there are always two sides to the story even if you have to dig a bit to find the other one. However, with this book I think that there are some things that shouldn’t have been stretched out so much. There were just so many parts in the book when I wasn’t interested and that I wasn’t sure what the importance of it was. This book does have an interesting concept because at first you think the book is nonfiction and then they throw some things in the book and you realize it is not completely nonfiction. Overall, I liked this book, but I think that not all parts of the book have a important purpose.

The book Out of This World was a different than the types of books that I usually read. I think the meaning of the book is that some people will always find their way back to you no matter what. I really liked how each chapter was from a characters perspective so it wasn’t just one persons view of the story.  There were a couple parts in the book were I found myself uninterested because I could not find the importance of that part. That could also be because I need to work on how I read.

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My name is Maggie and I am going into my junior year of highschool. This blog is going to be my evaluations on things that we do in class. This will be a yearlong blog and I will be sharing my opinions in my blog. There will be different types of posts in this blog.

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